The backbone of Relay for Life
Relay for Life owes its existence and success to the commitment of so many volunteers. You too can participate in our adventure behind the scenes. Take action together with us and offer patients optimal support, a healthier lifestyle and a greater chance of recovery.
Whether you are retired, working or looking for a job... you can support us in many ways, according to your needs, abilities, availability and wishes. So be sure to join us!
I want to participate as a volunteer
Would you like to actively do your part in the fight against cancer and become a volunteer? Then feel free to contact your local Relay for Life using this form.
As a volunteer, you can:
- networking in your area to organise a Levensloop
- be part of an organising committee
- joining a team
- providing support before, during and after a Relay for Life
- organising an activity to benefit a Relay for Life
- organising an activity during Relay for Life
- helping out at the headquarters of the Foundation against Cancer in Brussels
What do we offer you?
As a volunteer :
you will receive a specific training
- you will be supported by our internal team
- you will be insured by the Foundation against any accidents while carrying out your assignment
Interested or additional questions?
For additional information, or if you have decided to join our team, please contact the Relay for Life of your area!
Would you like to help as a volunteer at headquarters? Then contact the Foundation Against Cancer.