Tessenderlo 2018 | Relay for Life

Tessenderlo 2018

Kick-Off Levensloop Tessenderlo

Beste Levensloper, onze Levensloop van dit jaar zal binnen minder dan 6 maanden plaats vinden. Hoog tijd dus om het startshot te geven. Dit zal doorgaan op dinsdag 13 maart. Het programma vind je hier beneden. Wij hopen jullie dan allemaal mogen te ontmoeten. 

19h Filmvoorstelling ‘Levensloop Tessenderlo 2017’

20h • Terugblik Levensloop Tessenderlo 2017• Overzicht activiteiten Stichting tegen Kanker door Stefaan Beeldens• Presentatie door Manon Huizing, Oncologe in het UZ Antwerpen en auteur van het boek ‘Passie voor de patiënt’. • Voortuitblik Levensloop Tessenderlo 2018• InfostandenOp de verschillende standen kan je informatie bekomen over deelnemen, helpen als vrijwilliger, Vechters enz. 


Welcome to the Relay for Life Tessenderlo 2018

Relay for Life is the solidarity movement of the Foundation against Cancer that celebrates people who have or have had cancer. At the same time, Relay for Life also raises money to benefit scientific cancer research and local projects that contribute to the well-being of patients and their loved ones. 

Throughout the year, you can take part in various activities in the area ranging from small activities such as workshops, lectures and walks with a big event once a year as the icing on the cake. During this event, you can walk and run together in relay and show your solidarity with our Survivors.

Join us!

  • Want to join the event? Go to the calendar, choose your event and follow the instructions. When registering, you can indicate your choice of team or you can register without a team. You can also get sponsored or set up your own action to raise funds. 
  • Do you have or had cancer? Then sign up for free as a guest of honour for your committee's activities. Signing up as a Fighter will also keep you informed of special activities.

Teams of this Relay for Life

Total revenue€ 1 950
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All for the kids of the world!
Total revenue€ 1 659
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Samen zijn we sterk
Total revenue€ 435
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Familie en vrienden met wortels uit Asdonck. Together we make a family!

Motivate your friends to support Relay for Life through social media